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real dialogue

Pay Attention Interviews: Katherine Woodward Thomas: Remaining Conscious and Compassionate During Separation and Divorce

Katherine Woodward Thomas is a therapist and author of Conscious Uncoupling: Five Steps to Living Happily Even After. She and Polly engage in a spirited discussion about attachment, separation, and grief that are involved in uncoupling. Does your ex-partner have to be your enemy? The resistance and reality of using Katherine’s model and embracing the stages of uncoupling in a conscious manner.

And The Virus Said: Breathe Deeply and Take a Pause

And The Virus Said: Breathe Deeply and Take a Pause

As we take a breath and take a pause, can we also see that moment-to-moment we are safe, at ease, and supported by “something” we do not understand and cannot control? Maybe this virus can teach us more about that something and how we can come to understand our situations and conditions -- from different sides and through various lenses, in order to approach our (always imperfect) responses to our human dilemmas.

What We're Listening To: Podcast that No Buddhist Listener Should Miss

What We're Listening To: Podcast that No Buddhist Listener Should Miss

Tricycle online includes ENEMIES: From War to Wisdom in their round-up of “don’t miss” Buddhist podcasts.

In 18 episodes, author and psychoanalyst Young-Eisendrath and filmmaker Johnson—longtime Buddhist practitioners—explore the ways in which, individually and collectively, we consciously and unconsciously create and perpetuate conflict in our relationships with ourselves, others, and the world. The two friends discuss timely topics like politics, tribalism, love, and war, as well as what the Buddha taught about hatred and non-hatred.