Safety, wellness, and what we should do now, as the curve flattens, are topics that require us to recognize that One Size Does Not Fit All when it comes to health and wellness.
And The Virus Said: Breathe Deeply and Take a Pause
As we take a breath and take a pause, can we also see that moment-to-moment we are safe, at ease, and supported by “something” we do not understand and cannot control? Maybe this virus can teach us more about that something and how we can come to understand our situations and conditions -- from different sides and through various lenses, in order to approach our (always imperfect) responses to our human dilemmas.
Escaping the Self-Esteem Trap: Raising Good Humans Podcast with Aliza Pressman, Ph.D.
Bonnie Bright, Ph.D. for Pacifica Graduate Institute: Love and Relationships as a Spiritual Path in the 21st Century: A Jungian Perspective
Jungian analyst, Polly Young-Eisendrath talks with Bonnie Bright, Ph.D. in conjunction with Pacifica Institute. Personal love—that is, love that we feel within—has changed in the 21st century. In this day and age, we seek three very specific outcomes in our relationships that have not always been sought in “traditional” relationships.