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What We're Listening To: Podcast that No Buddhist Listener Should Miss

What We're Listening To: Podcast that No Buddhist Listener Should Miss

Tricycle online includes ENEMIES: From War to Wisdom in their round-up of “don’t miss” Buddhist podcasts.

In 18 episodes, author and psychoanalyst Young-Eisendrath and filmmaker Johnson—longtime Buddhist practitioners—explore the ways in which, individually and collectively, we consciously and unconsciously create and perpetuate conflict in our relationships with ourselves, others, and the world. The two friends discuss timely topics like politics, tribalism, love, and war, as well as what the Buddha taught about hatred and non-hatred.

Escaping the Self-Esteem Trap: Raising Good Humans Podcast with Aliza Pressman, Ph.D.

Escaping the Self-Esteem Trap: Raising Good Humans Podcast with Aliza Pressman, Ph.D.

Dr. Aliza speaks with Dr. Polly Young-Eisendrath, Ph.D. - author, professor, Buddhist psychologist, and Jungian psychoanalyst- about the accidental trappings of trying to build self-esteem through praise, the importance of failure, and helping parents find the balance between support and coddling.

Bonnie Bright, Ph.D. for Pacifica Graduate Institute: Love and Relationships as a Spiritual Path in the 21st Century: A Jungian Perspective

Bonnie Bright, Ph.D. for Pacifica Graduate Institute: Love and Relationships as a Spiritual Path in the 21st Century: A Jungian Perspective

Jungian analyst, Polly Young-Eisendrath talks with Bonnie Bright, Ph.D. in conjunction with Pacifica Institute. Personal love—that is, love that we feel within—has changed in the 21st century. In this day and age, we seek three very specific outcomes in our relationships that have not always been sought in “traditional” relationships.