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Pay Attention Interviews: Diana Johnstone: Interpreting War in Ukraine: A Fairytale of Defeating the Bad Guy

In this insightful conversation, Polly talks with journalist Diana Johnstone —an American living in Paris — about the current state of affairs in the War in Ukraine. They talk about the history of this war and the American ideology of “needing to defeat the Bad Guy” as it is produced in a Hollywood style fairytale about the American character as fighting the "good fight." Diana talks about the risks to European countries right now of developing economic, psychological and social deterioration as relationships with Russia decline. She talks about the US media fostering a culture of hate in which Americans are meant to distrust strong leaders of countries far away. The conversation ends with support of dialogue and the ability to see, hear, and feel another’s point of view, instead of organizing one’s world in terms of “winners” and “losers” or “good guys” and “bad guys."