In Buddhism in the West, there is often a great emphasis on intentional practice or what some might call "self power." In Asia, especially in Mahayana Buddhism, devotion to and practices invoking cosmic deities, what might be termed "other power," is widespread. We find these practices in various Pure Land, Zen, and Vajrayana traditions; for many centuries they were also part of what scholars call “esoteric Theravada.” Often, these practices involve Amitabha Buddha, Maha Vairocana Buddha, and such bodhisattvas as Avalokitesvara/Guanyin/Kannon as well as other deities including Tara. What is the relationship between self power and other power, between conscious intention and receptivity to the unfolding of the depths of reality beyond dualistic mind? As psychology and psychotherapy are increasingly integrated with, or compared to, Buddhist practice, these questions loom even larger: What is the relationship between ego consciousness – or our sense of control – and what arises spontaneously from the depths of our being? What do we mean by “the unconscious,” the relationship between consciousness and the unconscious? Is this relevant to self power and other power? Engaging both Buddhist and psychotherapeutic traditions, in this program, we will explore these questions through embodied practice as well as theoretical and case study examination along with small group workshops.
Applications for 8 continuing education units for psychologists and social workers have been submitted for this program. Accrediting agencies are the National Association for Social Workers (NASW) and the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy (IMP). You can find more information about social work licensure board endorsements here. Please confirm with your licensing board whether the CEUs offered are applicable for your licensure before registration. For more information about CEUs through BCBS, please click here.